Sunday, August 30, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

I am so blessed to be able to sit down, make a menu plan for the week, then realize that I could technically get it all made without having to make a trip to the grocery store! What a blessing it is to have such a stockpile! My freezer is full to the point that we need to worry about how much frozen food we buy. I will still be heading out to Publix this week, though, to pick up some of the cheapie and freebie items they will have. They also have London Broil on sale this week, so I'll be picking up a few of those too. I freeze them in a plastic bag with marinade already on them so they are ready to go right out of the freezer. Here's what else is in store:

Monday: Dinner OUT to Outback, courtesy of my sister-in-law, who sent a gift card for my birthday! :-) Thanks!

Tuesday: Orange Chicken (premade from Costco, per hubs request)

Wednesday: London Broil, roasted potatoes, green beans

Thursday: Turkey Breast- I will brine it first using this brine recipe, then smoke it in the crock pot. I'm hoping for leftovers that I will put in the freezer for Turkey pot pies.

Friday: Ground Beef and Mac & Cheese Casserole. Yep, this is the THIRD week that this has appeared on my menu plan, and we've yet to make it or eat it. Things just seem to keep coming up... I am determined to get it made!

For more menu planning ideas, head on over to!


  1. That's great that you have such a stockpile that you don't have to go to the store. I love those weeks. :-)
