Monday, June 22, 2009

Grilled Potato Slices with Salt and Vinegar

I got a free subscription to Martha Stewart Living a while back. I like to look at the pretty pictures, but that's generally as far as I get with Martha. We are just not on the same page with housekeeping, cooking, gardening, any of it. I don't have the time or energy to devote to following her advice. But then I saw this recipe... Grilled Potato Slices with Salt and Vinegar. Seemed easy enough- slice fingerling potatoes, parboil in vinegar and finish cooking on the grill. I LOVE salt and vinegar potato chips and this cooking method seemed to be something I could handle, so I tried it.

I boiled the potatoes in vinegar and the whole house smelled for DAYS. The potatoes were so vinegary that they were barely edible. Many of them fell through the grate of the grill and they didn't cook in the time Martha promised! I was disappointed, but not ready to give up... I thought maybe if I diluted the vinegar and roasted the potatoes instead of trying to do them on the grill, we might get somewhere. So I tried again for Father's Day... Here is my version:

1 lb red bliss potatoes, cut in quarters or eighths
2 cups white vinegar
2 cups water
generous pinch salt

Bring potatoes, vinegar and salted water to a boil in a medium saucepan (liquid should cover potatoes). Reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer potatoes until just fork tender, about 10 minutes. Let potatoes cook in vinegar for 20 minutes or so. Drain well, and gently toss with 2 Tbsp olive oil and pepper.

Place potatoes on cookie sheet and roast in 400 degree oven for 25 minutes or so until golden brown and yummy.

So this time, I didn't think that the potatoes had enough vinegar flavor, but my husband still thought they had too much. They seemed to have more flavor when they were hot, but less flavor when they cooled down. Does this make any sense? Any ideas on how I could actually make this recipe work?? Thanks!

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